

At rosybee we supply plants that we know will be good for pollinators because we have grown them and studied which insects they attract. As part of this research process we capture data and conduct further research. In the following sections we share some of this research.

New - 9 years of counting pollinators

Here are the results of our 9 years, over 2 sites, of quantifying how attractive garden plants are to pollinators. Each year has added to our understanding of the subject but most of the findings have stayed quite consistent from the first year.

Results from nine year study


Quantifying the attractiveness of garden flowers for pollinators

Rosi and Dave Goulson published a paper quantifyied the attractiveness of garden flowers for pollinators. A link to the research paper can be seen via the University of Sussex website, see link below.

Rollings, Rosi and Goulson, Dave (2019) Quantifying the attractiveness of garden flowers for pollinators. Journal of Insect Conservation. ISSN 1366-638X

University of Sussex Research Online


Other plant trials

At the original rosybee site in Oxfordshire we conducted various plant research and trials. For more info on these click the link below. In 2021 we moved to Monmouthshire and will replicate the research to understand differing climate, soils etc.

Other plant trials


Species sightings list

As a bi-product of our research I realised that the number of species of bee that we were seeing in our Oxfordshire site seemed to be increasing and so I started a list of all the bees, butterflies and other major pollinators that I am able to identify.

Link to sightings list